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Active ingredient and its content: DDVP 77.5%(gas chromatography)
Formulation: emulsifiable concentrate
DDVP, with the chemical name of 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate, is an organic compound with the chemical formula of C4H7Cl2O4P. It belongs to organophosphorus insecticide. All industrial products are colorless to light brown liquid with high volatility. The solubility in water at room temperature is 1%, and the solubility in kerosene is 2%~3%. It can be dissolved in organic solvent, easily hydrolyzed, and decomposed faster in case of alkali.                                  
Synonyms: O, O-dimethyl-O-(2,2-dichlorovinyl) phosphate
English name: DDVP
CAS: 62-73-7
EINECS: 200-547-7
Chemical formula: C4H7Cl2O4P
Molecular weight: 220.98
Structural formula:
Scope and method of use:
Crop/Site Control object Dosage (amount of formulation/667sqm) Application mode
hygiene multiple sanitary pests 1. 300-400 times of solution 2. 0.1 ml/m3 1. Sprinkle 2. Hanging strip fumigation
wheat aphid 50 ml/667sqm spray
apple tree leaf roller 1600-2000 double solution spray
apple tree aphid 1600-2000 double solution spray
mulberry geometrid 50 ml/667sqm spray
wheat armyworm 50 ml/667sqm spray
granary multiple stored pests 1. 400-500 times of solution 2. 0.5-0.63 ml/m3 1. Spray 2. Hanging strip fumigation
cotton Bridgebuilder 50-100 mL/667sqm spray
tea tree defoliator 50 ml/667sqm spray
cotton aphid 50-100 mL/667sqm spray
green vegetable Pieris rapae 50 ml/667sqm spray

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